Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Gavin is starting to use more words. Not quite sure what he is saying 100% of the time. But I can pick out the word yellow when I show him a yellow Uno card. He is almost 20 months old and likes to be disobedient. We have a couch next our living room's bay window, which he repeatably climbs in. When we are downstairs he wants to climb the stairs. I had a simple barricade up to block him, but the little bugger can climb over what I have. I guess we are going to have to buy a gate.

He is doing well in pre-pre-school (daycare). I am surprise how much they try to teach him. Every afternoon when I get home he comes running to the door for me to pick him up.

We are looking forward to going camping. Not sure how he'll do, but I figure he'll have fun.

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